Music and drawing are two things that plays a big role in the my life, both can function as a form of art that help express feelings that develop in humans. A deeper awareness and understanding of those two things has led to the question of how to interpret the role and correlation between music and drawing in my current creative process. The construction of non-representative visual forms became my choice during the process of this work, considering feelings as subjective perceptions and not having a definite visual definition. The feelings that I emphasize are the feelings that arise when listening to music, because music is the only thing that can help me feel things easily. During the process of creating these artworks, I develop a method of her own that’s based on labanotation theory and music partiture that serves as a guide, shown as squares that functions as a division tool to classify what feelings is conveyed in the drawing. This piece in particular was inspired by Tohpati's "Layang-layang".