"Searching" is a continuation of the work ‘‘Don’t Look Back’’. If 'Don't Look Back' is the initial phase of starting a new story, then 'Searching' is a visual representation of the process of finding purpose in life's journey. Goals in the context of life certainly have many meanings, but for me a goal is a place or situation that can become a place stop by, like a home. The process of finding a goal in life is also not easy, because we don't know what it is for sure the choices we must choose to achieve it. This parable can be seen from the presence of a house in the distance, which shows a narrative that the woman is in journey to the house. However, there is no clear route to reach the house. Should the woman keep walking or not? even hills and meadows. what she saw seemed directionless and so vast, it felt like she could get lost. On one side We also don't know whether the woman really wants to go to the house, because we can only see her back, we can't see the woman's expression or intentions. Nevertheless, in all this confusion, the process of finding purpose in life is something that we must live and enjoy. So, to convey that story, the colors and nuances depicted look soft and calm.